Writing a cause and effect paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
E Commerce
Web based business points of interest and hindrances E-trade gives numerous better approaches to organizations and customers to convey and lead business. There are various focal points and hindrances of directing business as such. Web based business preferences Some favorable circumstances that can be accomplished from online business include: †¢Being ready to lead business 24 x 7 x 365 . Internet business frameworks can work throughout the day consistently. Your physical retail facade shouldn't be open all together for clients and providers to work with you electronically. Access the worldwide commercial center . The Internet traverses the world, and it is conceivable to work with any business or individual who is associated with the Internet. Straightforward nearby organizations, for example, master record stores can market and sell their contributions universally utilizing web based business. This worldwide open door is helped by the way that, in contrast to conventional spec ialized strategies, clients are not charged by the separation over which they are imparting. Speed. Electronic interchanges permit messages to navigate the world quickly. There is no compelling reason to trust that an inventory will show up by post: that correspondences delay isn't a piece of the Internet/online business world. †¢Marketspace. The market where electronic organizations work is the worldwide market. It may not be clear to them, yet numerous organizations are as of now confronting global rivalry from web-empowered organizations. †¢Opportunity to diminish costs. The Internet makes it simple to ‘shop around' for items and administrations that might be less expensive or more successful than we may some way or another settle for. It is now and then conceivable to, through some online examination, recognize unique makers for certain merchandise †along these lines bypassing wholesalers and accomplishing a less expensive cost. †¢Computer stage autonomous . ‘Many, if not most, PCs can convey by means of the Internet free of working frameworks and equipment. Clients are not restricted by existing equipment frameworks' (Gascoyne and Ozcubukcu, 1997:87). †¢Efficient applications improvement condition †‘In numerous regards, applications can be all the more productively created and disseminated in light of the fact that the can be worked regardless of the client's or the colleague's innovation stage. Application refreshes don't need to be physically introduced on PCs. Or maybe, Internet-related innovations give this capacity inalienably through programmed arrangement of programming updates' (Gascoyne and Ozcubukcu, 1997:87). Permitting client self assistance and ‘customer redistributing'. Individuals can connect with organizations at any hour of the day that it is advantageous to them, and in light of the fact that these associations are started by clients, the clients additionally give a ton of the information for the exchange that may somehow should be entered by business staff. This implies a portion of the work and expenses are adequately moved to clients; this is alluded to as ‘customer redistributing'. †¢Stepping past outskirts to a worldwide view. Utilizing parts of web based business innovation can mean your business can source and use items and administrations gave by different organizations in different nations. This appears glaringly evident enough to state, however individuals don't generally consider the ramifications of web based business. For instance, from numerous points of view it very well may be simpler and less expensive to have and work some web based business exercises outside Australia. Further, on the grounds that numerous internet business exchanges include Mastercards, numerous organizations in Australia need to make game plans for tolerating on the web installments. Anyway various significant Australian banks have would in general be unhelpful slow pokes on this front, charging a great deal of cash and making it hard to set up these courses of action †especially for littler organizations or potentially organizations that don't fit into a customary economy comprehension of business. Now and again, consequently, it very well may be simpler and less expensive to set up plans which sidestep this part of the Australian financial framework. As a matter of fact, this can make some hazy situations for lawful and tax assessment purposes, yet these can be managed. What's more, yes these conditions do have suggestions for Australia's national seriousness and the intensity of our enterprises and organizations. As a further idea, numerous organizations think that its simpler to purchase and sell in U. S. dollars: it is successfully the significant money of the Internet. In this specific circumstance, worldwide online clients can discover the idea of curious and new monetary forms perturbing. A few organizations discover they can accomplish more significant expenses on the web and in US dollars than they would accomplish selling locally or broadly. Given that banks frequently charge expenses for changing over monetary standards, this is another motivation to explore the entirety of your (national and global) choices for tolerating and making on the web installments. To sum things up, it is valuable to take a worldwide view with respect the potential and association of your web based business exercises, particularly on the off chance that you are focusing on worldwide clients. †¢A new advertising channel. The Internet gives a significant new channel to offer to shoppers. Peterson et al. 1999) recommend that, as a showcasing channel, the Internet has the accompanying attributes: †¢the capacity to reasonably store immense measures of data at various virtual areas †¢the accessibility of amazing and cheap methods for looking, arranging, and scattering such data †¢interactivity and the capacity to give data on request †¢the capacity to give perceptual encounters that are far better than a printed index, in sp ite of the fact that not as rich as close to home investigation †¢the ability to fill in as an exchange medium the capacity to fill in as a physical circulation mode for specific merchandise (e. g. , programming) †¢relatively low passage and foundation costs for merchants †¢no other existing showcasing channel has these qualities. A portion of these preferences and their encompassing issues are examined underneath in further detail. Web based business disservices and imperatives Some hindrances and requirements of web based business incorporate the accompanying. †¢Time for conveyance of physical items . It is conceivable to visit a neighborhood music store and exit with a minimal circle, or a book shop and leave with a book. Internet business is regularly used to purchase merchandise that are not accessible locally from organizations everywhere throughout the world, implying that physical products should be conveyed, which requires some serious energy and costs cash. Now and again there are ways around this, for instance, with electronic documents of the music or books being gotten to over the Internet, however then these are not physical merchandise. †¢Physical item, provider and conveyance vulnerability . At the point when you leave a shop with a thing, it's yours. You have it; you comprehend what it is, the place it is and what it looks like. In certain regards web based business buys are made on trust. This is on the grounds that, right off the bat, not having had physical access to the item, a buy is made on a desire for what that item is and its condition. Furthermore, in light of the fact that providing organizations can be led over the world, it tends to be questionable whether they are genuine organizations and are not simply going to take your cash. It's truly difficult to thump on their entryway to grumble or look for legitimate plan of action! Thirdly, regardless of whether the thing is sent, it is anything but difficult to begin pondering whether it will ever show up. †¢Perishable merchandise . Disregard requesting a solitary gelato frozen yogurt from a shop in Rome! In spite of the fact that specific or refrigerated vehicle can be utilized, merchandise purchased and sold by means of the Internet will in general be solid and durable: they have to endure the excursion from the provider to the buying industry or shopper. This moves the predisposition for short-lived and additionally non-strong merchandise back towards customary flexibly chain courses of action, or towards moderately increasingly nearby web based business based buys, deals and circulation. Interestingly, strong products can be exchanged from nearly anybody to nearly any other person, starting rivalry at lower costs. Now and again this prompts disintermediation wherein mediator individuals and organizations are skirted by buyers and by different organizations that are trying to buy all the more straightforwardly from makers. †¢Limited and chosen tactile data. The Internet is a compelling conductor for visual and sound-related data: seeing pictures, hearing sounds and understanding content. Anyway it doesn't permit full degree for our faculties: we can see photos of the blossoms, however not smell their aroma; we can see photos of a sledge, yet not feel its weight or equalization. Further, when we get and investigate something, we pick what we take a gander at and what we look like at it. This isn't the situation on the Internet. On the off chance that we were taking a gander at purchasing a vehicle on the Internet, we would see the photos the vender had decided for us to see however not the things we may search for in the event that we had the option to see it face to face. Also, considering our different faculties, we can't test the vehicle to hear the sound of the motor as it switches gears or sense the smell and feel of the calfskin seats. There are numerous manners by which the Internet doesn't pass on the wealth of encounters of the world. This absence of tactile data implies that individuals are frequently substantially more happy with purchasing by means of the Internet nonexclusive products †things that they have seen or experienced previously and about which there is little equivocalness, as opposed to one of a kind or complex things. †¢Returning merchandise. Returning products online can be a region of trouble. The vulnerabilities encompassing the underlying installment and conveyance of products can be exacerbated in this procedure. Will the merchandise return to their source? Who pays for the arrival postage? Will the discount be paid? Will I be left with nothing? To what extent will it take? Balance this with the disconnected understanding of returning products to a shop. †¢Privacy, security, paymen
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Illegal Downloading: Good Or Bad?
Unlawful Downloading: Good Or Bad? There have been numerous contentions on whether unlawful downloading is a major issue or not. Unlawful downloading isnt that a lot of an issue on the off chance that you take the opportunity to examination into it. Sources have demonstrated that unlawful downloading really advances and helps craftsman more, it assists individuals with getting increasingly different in music sorts, craftsman wrongfully download music just as their fans, and that there is zero to no proof that free online music monetarily hurts anybody. These and a lot more is only the tip ice sheet on the contentions that are for illicit downloading, however for the present where did unlawful downloading all start? The historical backdrop of business music appropriation is an ongoing one.(Miller, Web). Music dissemination fired up about the 1800s when sheet music was thought of. Later after that during the 1930s, individuals of the white collar class had pianos. They would as a rule go to the neighborhood store, purchase sheet music of their preferred craftsman during that time, and play it at their homes. Not long after there was the innovation of the phonograph by Thomas Edison which empowered craftsman to generally convey their music. The music was first made on wax chambers and afterward vinyl circles. During this time there were around 150 organizations making records. After some time, the record business advanced from 78 RPM plates to 45 RPM singles to 33 1/3 RPM long playing (LP) collections, and afterward to 8-track tapes (recall them?) And recorded audiocassette, and afterward to computerized minimal circles lastly to downloadable and gushing advanced tracks.(Miller, Web). Quality had extraordinarily expanded with this development thus did the dissemination. It was entirely evident that these chronicles could be copied, however it wasnt as simple in those days. The main things that were known were home wire recorders and circles cutting machines. Not all individuals realized how to utilize these gadgets at that point however. What truly began making things simple was the innovation of the reel to reel copying during the 1950s and the audiocassette recorders during the 1960s. The main issues with these were that the sound grade of replicated music was to some degree appalling. It wasnt until the computerized time began that we could make incredibly great duplicates of music because of CDs and your PC. At that point when the web tagged along downloading music got straightforward for anybody to have the option to download any sort music for nothing. (Mill operator, Web). Napster, which began in 1999, was the principal tremendously famous music document sharing admin istrations. It was closed somewhere near court request in 2001.(Hamilton, 90). Presently a days most music downloading is finished by undergrads. (Jambon, Web). One of the primary contentions of the rival side says that it hurts craftsman by taking cash from them, yet this is the specific inverse. In an overview appeared by restricting perspectives there were just around 12 percent of specialists felt that unlawful downloading hurt them. The majority of the specialists were not persuaded that unlawful downloading is doing any monetary mischief. Whats significant is that higher taught craftsman specifically accepted that record sharing is doing them no harm.(Opposing Viewpoints). Additionally greater part of the craftsman imagined that illicit downloading advanced them. Around 50 percent of the specialists accept firmly that unlawful downloading shows signs of improvement out in the open. There was distinctly around 5 percent who thought the reverse way around. Specifically the more youthful craftsmen ( Illicit downloading additionally helps craftsman by helping individuals become more exposed to new kinds of music. Having the simple openness of mp3s implies that more individuals will listen various sorts of music that they havent heard previously, and this advises them more on music in general. Specialists truly have nothing to stress over with regards to losing cash in the music business. From inquire about craftsman have additionally been known to download music illicitly themselves. the Dutch Government reported designs to ban downloading of all copyrighted material and measures to make it simpler to square sites that encourage copyright encroachment. An intriguing, especially since a review they distributed around the same time shows that craftsmen sees on document sharing are not all that negative.(Opposing Viewpoints). They started a gigantic study so as to discover progressively about the perspective on craftsman on the subject of robbery, DRM the computerized rights the board: advances that limit access to computerized content), and comparative chances and difficulties they had looked in the computerized period. The inquiries that were posed in the article were replied by around 4,000 specialists everything being equal, which included artists, movie producers, writers and picture takers. At the point when the outcomes had come out, there was in unrivaled invest igate the state at which the specialists remained regarding the matter. One of the outcomes that stands apart straightforwardly is that craftsman are privateers too.(Opposing Viewpoints). While not every one of them were privateers, there was a decent measure of them that were. Around 22 percent of the assessors reacted saying that they had downloaded copyrighted works without the proprietors authorization over the most recent a year. Another 71% told the specialists they hadnt downloaded anything without authorization during this period, and the rest of the 7% didnt know, or didnt need to answer the question.(Opposing Viewpoints). There was another inquiry pose to the assessors who had as of late took ownership of downloading different people groups copyrighted works. These outcomes had demonstrated that music was the most downloaded media type, with 80 percent from music, 40 percent for motion pictures and 5 percent for digital books and games (Opposing Viewpoints). So too the fan s downloading wrongfully, the craftsman were the same. Ultimately there truly is zero to no proof with regards to monetarily hurting craftsman. On the off chance that you consider, the music business ought to be celebrating at this new innovative development. Heres an idiot proof approach to convey music to millions who may somehow never purchased a CD in a store.(Aksomitis,16). There is an outstanding measure of cross-promoting. The expense is very low and there is no delivery. The RIAA might be directly about their being a great deal changes in the music business, and yet there still are a decent measure of names left. Well transform into Microsoft if were not cautious, people, demanding that any family unit needing an additional duplicate for the vehicle, the children, or the versatile CD player, needs to go out and permit different copies.(Aksomitis, 16). Individuals as craftsman are the ones who have the ear of the majority, and that is who ought to be trusted. A large portion of the disgrace ought not be welcomed on the fans and th e individuals, yet on the terrible condition of the business of recording organizations, radio developers. There in spite of the fact that is some acceptable contentions that expresses the fans need to arrange themselves so as to better their own lives and ethics in unlawful downloading. This is valid however this is one of hardly any obvious explanations that fall under the cons of illicit downloading. In end to this contention, there is a few yet not a great deal of peril with regards to unlawful downloading its really something worth being thankful for. Regardless of whether it be helping the craftsman, craftsmen unlawfully downloading or some other explanation. Unlawful downloading is digging in for the long haul, and keeping in mind that there every one of no approaches to totally stop it there are consistently approaches to support it. Work Cited Jambon, Marc M., and Judith G. Smetana. Undergrads Moral Evaluations Of Illegal Music Downloading. Diary Of Applied Developmental Psychology 33.1 (2012): 31 39. Scholastic Search Premier. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Mill operator, Michael. Downloading Pirated Music: Pros and Cons.Que.com. (2012): n. page. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Sar, Ernesto Van Der. Copyright Violations Do Not Hurt Artist Income. The Music Industry. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Green safe house Press, 2012. Contradicting Viewpoints. Rpt. From Artist Dont Think Piracy Hurts Them Financially, Study Shows. TorrentFreak.com. 2011. Restricting Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013 Aksomitis, Linda. Downloading Music. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Print. Hamilton, Jill. The Music Industry. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Print. Smith, Ethan. Tune in to Music Free, however Pay to Carry. Money Street Journal Eastern Edition 05 June 2007: B1+. Paper Source. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. Heigl, Alex. Five Ways to Justify Illegally Downloading Music. Nerve.com. (2011): n. page. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.
Friday, August 21, 2020
New England travels in pictures COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New England travels in pictures COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Last week, I took my first trip as a member of the G5. The G5, or Group of 5, is what SIPA calls its adventures when its participating in admissions-related events with our peer schools. The other four schools are Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service; Johns Hopkins University, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); Princeton University, The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; and Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. During my first G5 trip of the season, we traveled across southern New England; making 10 stops in five days. Each location was at a different college or university, and featured a panel presentation by G5. Its a great opportunity for students to meet with the worlds top five international affairs programs, without purchasing plane tickets. Basically, we gave mini-information sessions, with content from five different schools, and allowed students to ask questions about all of our programs at once. To say the least, it was stressful. We were always on the road (did I mention this was a road trip?), kept a tight schedule between travel and presentations, talked a lot about our programs, and still fit in time to complete our day-to-day office work in our hotels at night. However, it was a great experience. We met a lot of interesting students from various backgrounds who were passionate about public service. And while they all didnt know exactly what they wanted to do, they were taking the first steps to learn more about international affairs graduate schools and how to become stronger applicants. While there was little room to enjoy New England (its fall after all), I did manage to take a few photos while we are out and about. (And Im not going lie; theyre not the best photos in the world.) Enjoy! #gallery-1 { clear: both; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item-wrapper { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 33.333333333333%; } #ie6 #gallery-1 .gallery-item-wrapper, #ie7 #gallery-1 .gallery-item-wrapper { width: 33%; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { display: block; float: none; margin: 5px; width: auto !important; } #ie6 #gallery-1 .gallery-item { display: inline; } #gallery-1 .gallery-icon a { display: block; line-height: 0; } #gallery-1 img { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; height: auto !important; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { overflow: hidden; } #ie6 #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { word-wrap: break-word; } Off to a great start: this was the River View from my hotel in Boston. This was my view for the road trip portion of the week. Before our evening session at Amherst College, we took a moment to joke around. New England had an unseasonably dry summer, which means the fall colors arent as vibrant. But I did find one tree in Connecticut that looked pretty nice. Connecticut College is a private liberal arts college located in New London, Connecticut. Founded in 1911, the mission of the college is to educate students to put the liberal arts into action as citizens in a global society. The main building at Connecticut College. At Brown University my G5 colleague, John Templeton took a video of students during our information session. [Photo courtesy of Liz Wagoner] At the University of Massachusetts-Amherst there was a bit of a setback, so we had to table with the campuss student groups in the lobby of their student center. At the last minute, we made a fabulous DIY sign to tell everyone what we were there to talk about. A shot of all G5 program brochures. No one felt like showing their faces on camera today. Yale University bulldogs have found a temporary home at my SIPA desk. I couldnt decide on which one to purchase, so I snagged them both. After a long day on the road, we Googled a location restaurant that was waaay out in the sticks. I guessed right by assumming we would be dining inside someones home. Thankfully, no one lives there anymore; the house was converted to a restaurant. The G5 Selfie If youd like to meet the G5, well be making stops in California and Pennsylvania over the next several weeks. Or, join us for a virtual information session, on Oct. 13, Nov. 24, and Dec. 8 at 12pm EST.
New England travels in pictures COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New England travels in pictures COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Last week, I took my first trip as a member of the G5. The G5, or Group of 5, is what SIPA calls its adventures when its participating in admissions-related events with our peer schools. The other four schools are Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service; Johns Hopkins University, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); Princeton University, The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; and Tufts University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. During my first G5 trip of the season, we traveled across southern New England; making 10 stops in five days. Each location was at a different college or university, and featured a panel presentation by G5. Its a great opportunity for students to meet with the worlds top five international affairs programs, without purchasing plane tickets. Basically, we gave mini-information sessions, with content from five different schools, and allowed students to ask questions about all of our programs at once. To say the least, it was stressful. We were always on the road (did I mention this was a road trip?), kept a tight schedule between travel and presentations, talked a lot about our programs, and still fit in time to complete our day-to-day office work in our hotels at night. However, it was a great experience. We met a lot of interesting students from various backgrounds who were passionate about public service. And while they all didnt know exactly what they wanted to do, they were taking the first steps to learn more about international affairs graduate schools and how to become stronger applicants. While there was little room to enjoy New England (its fall after all), I did manage to take a few photos while we are out and about. (And Im not going lie; theyre not the best photos in the world.) Enjoy! #gallery-1 { clear: both; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item-wrapper { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 33.333333333333%; } #ie6 #gallery-1 .gallery-item-wrapper, #ie7 #gallery-1 .gallery-item-wrapper { width: 33%; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { display: block; float: none; margin: 5px; width: auto !important; } #ie6 #gallery-1 .gallery-item { display: inline; } #gallery-1 .gallery-icon a { display: block; line-height: 0; } #gallery-1 img { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; height: auto !important; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { overflow: hidden; } #ie6 #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { word-wrap: break-word; } Off to a great start: this was the River View from my hotel in Boston. This was my view for the road trip portion of the week. Before our evening session at Amherst College, we took a moment to joke around. New England had an unseasonably dry summer, which means the fall colors arent as vibrant. But I did find one tree in Connecticut that looked pretty nice. Connecticut College is a private liberal arts college located in New London, Connecticut. Founded in 1911, the mission of the college is to educate students to put the liberal arts into action as citizens in a global society. The main building at Connecticut College. At Brown University my G5 colleague, John Templeton took a video of students during our information session. [Photo courtesy of Liz Wagoner] At the University of Massachusetts-Amherst there was a bit of a setback, so we had to table with the campuss student groups in the lobby of their student center. At the last minute, we made a fabulous DIY sign to tell everyone what we were there to talk about. A shot of all G5 program brochures. No one felt like showing their faces on camera today. Yale University bulldogs have found a temporary home at my SIPA desk. I couldnt decide on which one to purchase, so I snagged them both. After a long day on the road, we Googled a location restaurant that was waaay out in the sticks. I guessed right by assumming we would be dining inside someones home. Thankfully, no one lives there anymore; the house was converted to a restaurant. The G5 Selfie If youd like to meet the G5, well be making stops in California and Pennsylvania over the next several weeks. Or, join us for a virtual information session, on Oct. 13, Nov. 24, and Dec. 8 at 12pm EST.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Why Herd Culture Must Exist - 1066 Words
A herd society is made up of people who are uncritical and mindlessly follow rules previously laid out for them. Members of this society try to act parallel with other members in their society. Nietzsche says this is the way humans are constructed. The average person is conditioned to conform and obey an authority figure. This is why herd culture must exist. Humans have an instinct to obey (110). The content of command does not matter because most people just want to act upon what society tells them to do. Being part of a herd society allows people to feel a sense of security. The goal of herd culture is to convince people there is a single way to organize society and that there is only one true moral code that applies to everyone. Herd culture wants to destroy all ways other than the norm. Herd culture begins with groups of people who share a similar belief. Together, with their shared interests, they form a society. This society is a way to keep people who don’t share the same beliefs out. A society with herd characteristics purposely excludes those who don’t look, act, or behave like the rest (219). These secluded societies initially fear the outsider. That fear then expands and causes the societies to turn against each other. The initial love for the neighbor turns into fear of the neighbor. Everyone is constantly policing each other to make sure those around them are following societal expectations and not detouring from the norm. Members of a herd society uphold theShow MoreRelatedModel Tok Presentation1673 Words  | 7 PagesTOK vocabulary and concepts: Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ the Areas of Knowledge: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, History, Mathematics, Ethics Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ the Ways of Knowing: Reason, Emotion, Perception, Language Ââ€"ï ‚â€"†¯ and the Concepts in the linking questionsâ€â€belief, certainty, culture, evidence, experience, explanation, interpretation, intuition, justification, truth, values Ââ€"ï‚â€"†¯ precise in terms of the relationships between these concepts How do individuals know what the ethical thing to do is when the collective is doing somethingRead MoreThe Heroes Of Elephants From The Early Movies Of The Disney1824 Words  | 8 PagesElephants seem to have a gigantic part in the modern culture. The wisdom of elephants as they get older is something that we see reflective in people. The calmness and strength of the elephant are virtues that many cultures would love to see as part of their own selves. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Nonverbal Communication A Notion to Motion
A simple smile, a gazing stare, a firm hand shake or just an unpretentious hello are all forms of communication. While it is essential to the coexistence of the human race, communication is the one thing that is common amongst people of all cultures. Crapo (2013) explained that communication is transference of a philosophies and information from one person to another by ones actions, gestures, and words (Human communication, para.1). Although people use different avenues to express their thoughts and ideas, intercultural communication can be misconstrued when learning to understand different customs. For example, in America, it is not unusual to be convinced that a smile represents happiness. On the other hand, in the Japanese culture,†¦show more content†¦Needless to say body language plays a large part in communicating. There are seven practices of nonverbal communication that are used to convey the messages to the person or persons of whom one is speaking. Crapo (2013) no ted that kinesics and haptics are two types of nonverbal communication that are associated with body movement and touch. Although verbal communication is understood within one’s own social group, the interpretation of body language can be a vitally imperative when establishing a connection with people of different nationalities. Safadi and Valentine (1985) described gestures as being â€Å"contextually linked, to the situation, and along with the interplay of body and facial movement and utterance, they together convey the speaker’s intent†(pg.5). However there are some cross cultural hand gestures that can be misinterpreted in different regions of the world. For instance, to gesture okay in America, one would connect the thumb and the index finger in a circular shape with the other three fingers extended upwards. Conversely, in Arabian cultures, the same borrowed symbol can be interpreted as an obscenity referring to the evil eye. If an Arabic person were to u se the okay gesture in another person direction while shaking, it symbolizes that the person receiving the gesture is being cursed (U.S. Army, 2006). On theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Our Time is Up1012 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferences between verbal communication and nonverbal communication? Can we communicate every aspect of whatever we want to express by only verbal messages. Why do we use euphemisms, connotation and denotation to express ideas that are uncomfortable or hard to communicate to others? Cite examples from the motion picture shown in the class and other relevant examples. There are many different ways to communicate with one another, however the primary aspects of communication underlie between two groupsRead MoreNon-Verbal Communication and Western Culture1389 Words  | 6 PagesWhile communication via spoken word constitutes a large part of everyday life, there is another type of communication that often goes overlooked. This other form of communication, known as nonverbal communication, is arguably used more frequently on an everyday basis than verbal communication (Knapp, 2013). Yet, rather than the use of spoken words, nonverbal communication revolves around displaying body language and other visual cues to communicate efficiently with others. Nevertheless, it shouldRead MoreNon Verbal Communication At A Lancaster County Grocery Store930 Words  | 4 Pagescommunicate with their actions using nonverbal communication, the communication that is voiced with out linguistic ways (Adler, Proctor 188). Throughout life individuals discover how to c ommunicate non verbally among each other and daily life is the classroom. Non verbal communication is key to interacting with others as well as a crucial role in social life and one’s own sanity. Observations were made to assist perception in the comprehension of this non verbal communication assignment supporting to absorbRead MoreNonverbal Communication And The Communication1296 Words  | 6 Pagesdefine the word â€Å"communication†as the act of speaking, however, in actuality, communication involves the interactions of multiple people with the act of speaking and listening. A business consultant and eloquent write Peter Drucker once said that â€Å"the most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said†and this is nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is the use of other aspects instead of words to communicate. Four significant types of nonverbal communication are kinesics,Read MoreThe Principles of Communication1557 Word s  | 6 PagesCommunication is an ever-developing topic in which human beings can express their feelings and emotions on a daily basis whether they were positive or negative in the most suitable way. According to Preja (2013) the term â€Å"Communication†can be traced back to the Latin word â€Å"Communis†which stands for â€Å"to be connected to†or â€Å"to be in a relationship with†. Communication can be classified to two types, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication focuses mainly on vocals while non-verbal communicationRead MoreInterpretation And Comparison Of Online Digital Objects1594 Words  | 7 PagesHush, of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, occurring approximately 27 minutes in. I have chosen to scrutinize this particular scene as its complete lack of dialogue allows us to closely examine how non-verbal communication is used to convey meaning. â€Å"Nonverbal communication between people is communication through sending and receiving wordless cues†(Stephen W. Littlejohn 2009). When we consider that ‘Individuals are believed to use clothing to define and communicate their social identities to others†(FienbergRead MoreEffectiveness Of The Patient Centered Care Experience Helps Improve Patient Prognosis, Treatment And Outcomes954 Words  | 4 Pagessatisfaction with the care provided and increases their application of prescribed treatment plan. Therapeutic communication in the health professions helps to facilitate positive patient perceptions and strengthens the healthcare provider-patient relationship (Berman and Snyder, 2012). The core of these relationships rely on the standard application of therapeutic communication. Therapeutic communication involves the use â€Å"of specific techniques, including the use of open-ended questions, touch, focusingRead MoreVerbal and Nonverbal Communication11225 Words  | 45 Pages Verbal and Nonverbal Communication When we are attempting to transfer our meaning to another person, we use three different modes, methods, or channels to carry our intentions. We use these modes to tell people who we are, how we experience the world, and the meaning we attach to our experience. We communicate verbally and nonverbally, and often with mixed signals or noise. When two persons, A and B, are attempting to communicate with each other, their communication is distorted by their personalitiesRead MoreEffects of Communication Barriers and Overcoming These Barriers2435 Words  | 10 Pages1.0 Introduction Good morning ladies and gentleman, today I would like to talk about communication barriers and suggestion to overcome these barriers. Communication is neither transmission of message nor message itself. It is the mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver. Communication needs to be effectives in business and is essence of management. Effective communication is crucial at every level of an organization. However, the ability to communicate effectively does notRead MoreMgt 300 Study Guide - Exam 22705 Words  | 11 Pagesemphasizes careful selection and training of workers and supervisory support. Principles of Scientific Management: 1. Develop for every job a â€Å"science†that includes rules of motion, standardized work implements, and proper working conditions. (Gilbreths motion study- the science of reducing a task to its basic physical motions)2. Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the job. 3. Carefully train workers to do the job and give them the proper incentives to cooperate with the job â€Å"science
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Toni Morrison s Beloved Dehumanization Of Slavery And...
Toni Morrison’s Beloved shows the dehumanization of slavery and its effects on African-Americans and their basic forms of existenceâ€â€specifically motherhood. Morrison depicts the strong maternal bond between Sethe and her children. Most importantly, her use of Sethe’s controversial act of infanticide shows the lengths that Sethe will take to protect her children from slavery. Morrison’s depiction of Sethe’s motherhood shows how slavery has deconstructed the Eurocentric expectations and traditions of motherhood and gender for black women. Rather than victimize Sethe’s as an enslaved woman, Morrision decides to celebrate her triumphs and suffering in Beloved. Therefore, Sethe’s identity as an enslaved black mother deconstructs the expectations of Eurocentric gender roles with her exertion of independence and control for the benefit of her children. To understand Sethe’s identity in the novel Beloved, one must acknowledge the intersectionality of her identity of being both black and a woman. Kimberle Williams Crenshaw is most known for establishing the political term of intersectionality in discussion of black feminist political thought. She states, â€Å"Because the intersectional experience is greater than the sum of racism and sexism, any analysis that does not take intersectionality into account cannot sufficiently address the particular manner in which Black women are subordinated†(Crenshaw 3). To see Sethe, we must see both of her identities that shapes her plural identity.
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